Digital analytics - 4 steps for more conversions

Data-driven marketing is the magic word
Online Marketing
Dec 2020

Generating more conversions and leads is best achieved with data-driven marketing. But which cornerstones need to be set in data analysis to generate more conversions and leads? In our practical tips, we show you in 4 steps how you can get your business off to a flying start with digital analytics.

Step 1: Three data view filters

How do you achieve higher data quality? It is not enough to simply implement the Google Analytics tag on the website. Various data view filters can overwrite falsified data or filter out unwanted access. This allows you to achieve the cleanest possible data basis. The three data view filters can look like this:

  1. Internal access
    The data collected should only show website visitors' accesses and NOT count your own accesses to the website. To achieve this, we recommend creating two different data views for your Google Analytics property (internal IP filter, raw data).

  2. Source/medium - The right visitor source
    Users reach your website via many different routes. The entry page can provide information about online marketing performance, which is why it is important to ensure that the visitor source can be assigned to the correct medium and therefore the correct higher-level channel grouping.
    In the following example, visitors came to the website via the organic search of the page, but Google incorrectly marked this entry as a referral.Referral

  3. Lower case filter
    A lower case filter is required so that campaign names and internal search terms do not appear twice in the data in different spellings. This standardizes spellings and data is no longer measured separately. "herbstsale_2020" and "Herbstsale_2020" thus become a single entry > "herbstsale_2020".

    So take a regular look at your Google Analytics data and check in detail how your page views are measured.

Step 2: Individual tracking

How do you achieve your goals? By setting up individual tracking for your website! In addition to page views, bounce rates or visitor sources, analysis tools such as Google Analytics already automatically record a large number of metrics and dimensions. However, if you want to gain detailed insights into visitor behavior, a tracking concept with event tags is recommended.
Easy implementation can be achieved with the Google Tag Manager. The free tracking & container tool can be used to display not only marketing tags but also event tags.

Any number of tracking measurement points can be recorded:

Step 3: Create target definitions

In order to keep an overview of these measurement points, it is advisable to create the events as goals in Google Analytics.

If one of the individual tracking events is to be created as a goal, the goal type "Custom" must be selected during setup. In addition to other goals such as length of stay or specific page views (e.g. the thank you page of a contact request), the event category, event action and event label can be entered here.

Create goal details in Google Analytics
Create goal details in Google Analytics

Step 4: Comprehensive reporting

How can you evaluate the collected data comprehensively? With detailed and visually clear reporting. You can do this with Google Data Studio, for example.

This allows you to display your Google Analytics data, SEO, SEA and social media data such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, etc. in a dashboard. The report makes it possible to display all measures at a glance and add your own design. Individual filter options can be used to evaluate the report individually and thus derive real decisions.

More information in the whitepaper

You can find more tips on data-driven marketing and the use of Google products in our white paper "Digital Analytics - A qualitative data basis for more conversions".